Repeat Prescriptions
The system of issuing repeat prescriptions is safe and effective, but requires your co-operation.
You will need to consult the doctor for all other prescriptions.
Requests should be made in person to the surgery and the prescription will be ready for collection 72 hours later after 2pm. If you have difficulty in collecting your prescription the pharmacies offer a repeat ordering service which allows them to order on your behalf, collect from the surgery and deliver it to you. Please enquire at your preferred pharmacy.
Requests for prescriptions can also be made on line using My Health Online via the link at the top of this page. If you do not already have a My Health Online account with the practice please ask at reception for the application form.
To avoid blocking line for urgent calls repeat prescriptions are not accepted over the telephone.
We are unable to issue repeat prescriptions at weekends, public holidays or out of normal surgery hours.

Please allow two complete working days before collection and make allowances for weekends and public holidays. To avoid queues at the reception desk the practice can send your prescription to your chemist of choice, please advise the receptionist when ordering prescription for the relevant form of authority. Where possible, please give exact drug names when ordering.
Medication Reviews
We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly.
If the date for your next review with a doctor or nurse has passed you will be asked to make an appointment.
Home Medicine Cabinet
As well as our practice, there are many other local NHS services you can contact for health advice, information or treatment.
Before you do, remember that you can treat many minor ailments such as colds, coughs and indigestion by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home.
We suggest you keep the following:
- Paracetamol and aspirin (children under 16 and people with asthma should not take aspirin)
- Mild laxatives
- Anti-diarrhoeal medicines
- Rehydration mixture
- Indigestion remedy (for example, antacids)
- Travel sickness tablets
- Sunscreen – SPF15 or higher
- Sunburn treatment (for example, calamine)
- Tweezers and sharp scissors
- A thermometer
- A selection of plasters, non-absorbent cotton wool, elastic bandages and dressings
- Keep the medicine chest in a secure, locked place out of reach of small children
- Always read the instructions and use the suggested dose
- Watch expiry dates – don’t keep or use medicines past their sell-by date
- Take all unwanted and out-of-date medicines back to the pharmacy